Senior Pastor
I have served as Senior Pastor of Park Springs Bible Church since March 2015. Prior to moving to Texas, I was Senior Pastor of Georgia Plain Baptist Church in Georgia, Vermont for 11 years. I received my bachelor’s degree from University of Arizona in General Biology and my Masters of Divinity degree from Gordon- Conwell Theological Seminary. Upon finishing my master degree, my wife and I were given the opportunity to travel to Edinburgh, Scotland, where I obtained my Th.M. in the area of Christian Ethics and Practical Theology. In 2017 I received my Doctor of Ministry degree from Denver Seminary with a thesis focused on preaching. I currently serve on the board of directors for Reach All Nations International, a ministry focused on teaching and training indigenous pastors in India. My wife and I have been married for 20 years as of April 2019. We have two beautiful girls, Naomi and Hannah. I have a deep desire to have the church be a home for the hurting and passionately committed to communicating the Gospel to the lost. For fun I love spending time with my family, being out in the wood hunting and anything thrill related! The verse that frames the ministry God has called me to is 2 Timothy 2:10, “Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.”
Associate Pastor
I come from a long line of pastors. Including my Dad, grandfather, great grandfather, two uncles, one brother and two cousins. I felt the specific call on my life to vocational ministry when I was 18 and have been pursuing it ever since. I came to Arlington in 2008 to attend the University of Texas at Arlington. It was there that I got my bachelors degree, met my wife and began working in the local Church. My wife Emily and I were married the summer of 2011 and I joined the staff at Park Springs Bible Church September of 2012. I served five years as the student pastor and then transitioned to Associate Pastor in October of 2017. I love getting to serve our Church in a lot of different ways and assisting with all of the different ministries at Park Springs. Park Springs has been an awesome place to call home. When I am not at the Church I enjoy the outdoors, anything sports related or a good book.
Worship Director
Park Springs was my home long before the Lord called me to lead here. In 2004, my husband Mark and I joined the church and served, worshiped, and grew spiritually for 11 years. We also grew as a family, with 5 children, Ethan, Connor, Noah, Wesley, and Maecie. In 2011, I felt the call to full-time worship ministry. I eventually pursued it outside of the church, but in 2020, the Lord began sovereignly and beautifully redirecting my path back “home.” In August of 2021, I accepted the position to return! We are so grateful and expectant for this next season with our Park Springs family! I love songwriting, pointing others to Jesus and His gospel through music, and serving and growing with musicians & media technicians. My family also means everything to me and we love Disney, sports, game nights, Tex-Mex, the beach, and movie nights.
Youth Director
I grew up in Corpus Christi, Texas and graduated from The University of Texas at Austin (Hook ‘Em Horns!) with a bachelor’s degree in education (and a minor in petroleum engineering). I joined the Park Springs staff as the Youth Director in May 2023, but I first recognized the Lord calling me into vocational ministry in college. God has led me to a lot of interesting work opportunities in the years since, including summer camp ministry, a zipline tour company, an afterschool program, a home remodeling crew, and most recently a missionary travel agency. Throughout all of it however, I knew that Lord’s long-term calling on my life was still for pastoral ministry. I love getting to serve in youth ministry because high school was a time when God did a lot of work in my own life to draw me near to Him. There is something so special about getting to walk with students through the joys and struggles of day-to-day life and working with families to point them toward the ways that the person and work of Jesus changes all of it! In my spare time I love spending time with friends, listening to good music, drinking good coffee, and traveling whenever I can.
Children's Director
It has been a privilege to serve at Park Springs as Children’s Director since August 2014. My passion is partnering with parents, coming alongside and encouraging them as they teach and disciple their children to know Jesus and make Him known. I am of Taiwanese background, but was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. I completed a Bachelor’s degree in Piano Performance and Pedagogy and then a Master’s degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education, which then launched me into missions as a 2nd grade teacher at an international school in China for a year, before becoming Children’s Director at Park Springs. My husband, Brian, and I got married in 2017 and I love hanging out with him and our kiddos, traveling, music, tennis, and delicious food!
Soul Care Coordinator
I grew up in a godly home with parents who love Jesus and made Him a priority in the life of our family, and I placed my faith in Christ at a young age. My childhood and adolescent years were spent being active in a local church, and my college years were a very formative time of spiritual growth for me. My husband, Charlie, and I were married in April of 1999. We have served the local church in ministry together for over 20 years, and we have two teenage daughters. I have a background in Education and began my career as a high school English and French teacher, a job I loved and continued in until the birth of our eldest daughter. I have been on staff at Park Springs as the Soul Care Coordinator since September of 2022. I am particularly passionate about helping others to live more fully in their relationship with Christ, even in the midst of life’s struggles, sufferings and difficult questions. As part of my service to the Church I also enjoy teaching within our Women’s Ministry and mentoring women. In my personal time I enjoy traveling, reading a good book, and long conversations with family and friends. A great joy in my life is the privilege of being mom to my girls, while partnering with my husband in ministry.
Elder Chairman
I grew up in the small town of De Soto, Missouri. Although I attended church regularly during my childhood and teen years, I had no understanding of the gospel until some classmates at the University of Missouri (who were part of the Navigator’s ministry) helped me understand how I could put my trust in Christ alone for my salvation.
After practicing law for several years in Houston TX, God led me to Dallas Theological Seminary, and, after graduation, I served as a missionary to Argentina, El Salvador (as a pastor) and Guatemala (as a seminary professor).
God richly blessed me with Jenny as my wife and we spent 23 wonderful years in Latin America as missionaries with Camino Global (CAM) before moving to the US in July of 2013. We have been married for 29 years and have two sons, Caleb and Nathan, who were both born overseas and who are a great joy for us.
Jenny and I have attended Park Springs since October of 2013, and it would be an honor to serve with the elder board. During my time at Park Springs my ministry focus has been in the prison ministry (with Ken Wheeler), teaching, and serving as a small group leader.
I received Christ as savior in 1976 while attending a Southern Baptist church and being active in the youth group. But I was a lukewarm Christian until I decided to make Jesus lord of my life at a retreat in college. I profited from the discipleship emphasis of the Navigator ministry for the next few years and gained a solid Biblical foundation for the road ahead. My life verse came from those years… Colossians 2:9-10, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ who is the head over every power and authority.” Since then, I’ve been growing in my faith, learning to balance grace and truth in my walk with the Lord and in relationships with people.
I’ve been attending PSBC since 1997 with my wife, Rebecca. We’re empty-nesters with four grown children and seven grandchildren. I’ve been involved in several of the church’s ministries through the years, and currently lead a Home Group and teach a Sunday morning class. I love this church and the people who attend it – we’re all learning together how to live in the power of God’s grace.
I grew up in Irving, Texas and lived there until 2004, when Mary and I moved to the Colorado mountains to serve at a Christian camp for 5 years. We have now lived in Mansfield and attended PSBC for 8 years. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior in 1969, at the film,“The Cross and the Switchblade.” Thanks to my parents, I got plugged into a great church and began to grow in my walk with Him. God has graciously provided solid Biblical teaching throughout my life. Mary and I will have been married 39 years this November. We have been blessed with two married sons and two grandchildren, who are a tremendous joy to us both. I have had the privilege to serve in a number of ministries, including 10 years in full-time ministry and as a deacon and an elder in prior years. It is an honor to be able to serve the Lord as an elder at PSBC.
Our family has been attending Park Springs since 1987. I started serving in the nursery, then the 2 year old class, then filled a temporary vacancy as a 3rd grade Sunday School teacher. “Temporary” has passed the 20 year mark . . . That’s a lot of wonderful years, wonderful kids, lots of popsicle stick Bible buildings, and of course lots of Bible boat and chariot races. A few years ago I did a 6-year stint as a Deacon. I guess the fact that the “towering pine trees” I promised (the little ones by the Reese building doors) are still only 5 feet tall took me out of the running for a return to that position.
A few favorite bible verses:
Psalm 19 – The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands . . . let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight.
Phil 4:8 – Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these thing.
I grew up in a home where going to church every Sunday was a must. There was an emphasis on duty but not on a personal relationship with Christ. I accepted Christ at a revival my senior year in high school through a church youth group I was attending with my best friends. I accepted Christ at that time but did not really have much spiritual growth until after college. I was married with one child when I started going to a workplace Bible study. That is where my hunger for the Word of God and the teaching to back up what I did believe about God and Christ began.
I moved to Arlington from Baton Rouge, La., at the end of 1982, and began attending Park Springs Bible Church in 1983. The Pastor at the time, Joe Falkner, was an exceptional teacher and would teach on Sundays through a book of the Bible. I could not wait to get to church on Sunday to take notes, learn what the Word was saying to us, and to grow in my faith. After many years of attending church and Sunday School classes and Bible studies, I had an opportunity to teach a class. I taught for about 17 years at Park Springs, in a Sunday School and Small Group setting.
I also had an opportunity to serve Park Springs at times in the music ministry (the choir) and drama to a small extent. I was on the Elder Board for a period of 6 years where I served 1 or 2 years as Chairman of the Board. I also have been on two mission trips to Kenya, which were a true blessing. In 2014, I lost my first wife of 37 years to a very short 105-day bout with gall bladder cancer. I pulled back from teaching class to take a break from that role shortly after that.
God has truly blessed me by bringing my current wife Cindy into my life. We are both in a unique club in that we are both widowed. Cindy is also a believer and we both are involved in a PSBC small group, which we really enjoy and cherish those friendships. We have combined our families and we currently have 4 adult children (3 of them are married) and 4 grandchildren. We are blessed in the fact that our children and their spouses all get along really well and are all following the Lord!!
My journey toward the light actually began at the end of a journey through some darkness. I didn’t give my life to Christ until I was almost 40 years old. Prior to that, there was a lot of chaos. I accepted Christ one evening in 1992 standing on a lakeshore with a man that I had met only hours before…..and I never saw him again. I think he may have been my angel. Everything changed after that profession of faith.
In 1994 I met my wonderful wife and lifetime companion, Jan. Two years later God gave us the most beautiful gift that can be given, our daughter Cayti.
We joined Park Springs Church in the spring of 2016 and have since enjoyed serving in various roles and ministries. Previously we have been members of other churches where I have served in leadership roles, including Deacon and Elder positions. Jan and I served as Home Group leaders for a few years and we also served in a ministry called Celebrate Recovery for more than 10 years.
My life verse is Philippians 1:6, “And I am sure that God, who began a good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again.” I take that to mean that God is not finished with me yet!
I was born in 1961 to missionary parents on the shores of Lake Victoria in Tanganyika. I learned about Jesus and his love for me from day one. By the age of 6 or 7, I understood that salvation wasn’t earned or something that came from my family but was the result of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and by placing my faith and trust in Him alone. I met my wife Donna in 1985 at a missionary training center in the Smoky Mountains of NC. We were married a year later in 1986 in Eden, NC. We have four boys who grew up in this church. The oldest is now 29 years old and the youngest is 22. Three are married and live in the area and one is in law school in Austin. We joined Park Springs in 2003 and I have served on the Deacon Board, the Missions Committee and have served with the youth group and in the nursery.
My dad was in the Air Force, so we moved every few years. We seldom went to church. God was not part of everyday life. When I was 21, I went to a friend’s house who I had known for several years. He told me how Jesus had changed his life. I prayed in his living room, giving my sinful, empty life to Christ to make it what He wanted it to be – and I was immediately changed!
A few years later I met June at church. We got to know each other as friends and our love grew; we married in December 1980. In the churches we’ve attended, we have been involved in various roles, including Sunday School teachers and participants, VBS teachers, and Bible study leaders and participants.
I have played acoustic guitar and electric bass in some Christian bands, as well as on some worship teams. I played acoustic guitar and mandolin in a Christian band, Little Road Revival, for 21 years.
June and I have two grown children, and our daughter has given us two granddaughters, who we love spending time with.
June and I have been at Park Springs Bible Church since November 2010. I served on the Worship Team for several years. I was a co-leader of a home group for several years. I am involved with the PSBC Men’s ministry. I currently help in the kitchen on the Bereavement Team, the Joy Team for special events, for College Department meals, and during VBS. We consider it an honor for June to serve on the Women’s Leadership Team and for me to serve on the Elder Board.